Pink dress. Cleopatra hair. Standing, she leans to her left, arm slightly bent behind , hand on a table, fingers straight. There is a pink sash at her waist, somewhat constricting it. The dress is patterned. What we take away from the image is voluptuousness, a woman of 22, who wields something invisible, a whiplash perhaps. She may be a slave girl or an owner in ancient Rome, her eyes go either way. Her face resembles the Mona Lisa, but prettier, that dreamy expansive expression, forming a dark, full, heart-shaped image. I link it to Dylan’s  Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands, to whom no man comes without invitation, a spectre that dissolves with the blinking of an eye. In other words, she comes as a dream, perhaps from the bottom of the ocean, or as a waft of perfume from passing a  garden. The only way she will stay is because we have her. On a rectangular piece of paper that we keep under our pillow at night.


The artist with half a soul makes half art.

He makes his art for people who have no soul and would like at least half of one.

He speaks about himself as if he had two souls (at least).

He tells us that his art is transcendental, i.e. It transcends good taste.

He dresses like he is going to apply for a job at the neighbourhood bank

When actually he is going to buy the bank.

He thinks that banks are works of art if they are captured in the right light.

The artist with half a soul does none of his own dirty work.

He knows the state of our culture and has invented a wind to blow with it.

Many artists would love to be in his place.


I felt dizzy today. I never get dizzy, I get nauseous, quite often, in fact.It comes from a place beyond my body, I won’t say my spirit but in that vicinity, and it travels inward and out at the same time. It tells me I might not be living, that part of me, a large part of me, is dead. And I walk around as this semi-corpse as if nothing is wrong and I say all the appropriate things and do all the necessary things even as I feel the need to vomit out disgust, (not despair) closer to rarefied revulsion, on my fellow passengers in our postcard voyage toward doomsday. And then I say why bother, it would just be a waste of fluids. Then I might eat a peach or tickle myself or get to bed and steel myself against the impending darkness. I don’t have actual nightmares, but instead the dullest dreams imaginable that make me believe hell must be elongated boredom, an eternity of waste, a state of neither pain nor pleasure nor feelings, and I must in the dream scream to get me out of this place. Of course, nobody hears me, mainly because everyone else is screaming the same thing, all silently, in an orchestra of futility. The bars in my dreams are made of paper, yet I can’t leave, for some reason, I cannot relieve my sickness, my nausea. It is as if I were born to it, and I must survive it, and always coiled in an anger that I do not discharge. I should have been…I think…I always thought I should have been a killer, maybe for profit, a gangster. a hitman that everyone admired for his smooth delivery. I imagine there must be a sweet cessation of pain at the point of murder for the giver as well as the getter and I could have taken either side enthusiastically. Kill or be killed I would be comfortable in. Alas, it is too late for that! I am too old to whack anyone. (It is bad form, after all, to inform that one hides a killer’s heart. Let me add that I could blow away the human race in one breath if incited. I am a human atomic bomb. I should not be trusted with the Nuclear Code.) As for this prevailing spiritual desolation, it is apt to inquire into a remedy, no? Is there one? People live with incurable illness all the time and do not resort to violence. It is perhaps a test of machismo that makes me think I can do the same. All manner of disturbance can be regulated to the degree that it is bearable. Most of us inhabit a frontier space between sickness and health anyway. I might just be entertaining a mild cold as far as spiritual desolation is concerned. I might just get over it, in some future life perhaps. Suck it up! As they admonish in the military. Am I that weak that I can’t take a spell?  Do I have the right to whine? Yes, the questions, yes, the recriminations that latch onto each other like train cars with no answers, Until I realize the absurdity, that nothing is answerable, that our lives are made up of only question marks, not even periods, other than death, and the realization makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. And I am still laughing when I have my fatal heart attack.


Hunger indicates lack.


for anything, really,

tells us we are incomplete.


 And our anxiety requires there be

 some change

 in order for us to feel at ease.


This constant unease is the root of invention,

The cause of civilization.


 But humans hunger


temporary satisfaction

and then on to the next quest,

the next emptiness.


And so it goes

in momentary aspiration-frustration.


Religion assuages some,

love can too.


Yet the heart of this matter

is even more mysterious:


What we hunger for, actually,

is to cast off our human form,

leave our skin.


Transformation is the end game.


We are sick

of being human,


we have exhausted our possibilities.


I try to picture us on beds,

you on a bed of roses

me on a bed of nails.

Still, we are here together as before and

before that,

a sort of married couple

who live at separate addresses

and meet for dinner and snacks.

I drink liquor and you plan my heart attack.

I have problems and you have nerve attacks.

What a pair, what a team

we present!

Even if we live in different worlds

until we have to pay a bill.

I feel good knowing you’re well,

You feel good when you give me hell.

Then I go into action mode,

I have a new knife, you know.

All is settled in a minute, though.

And we come together as lovers should.

We kiss and cuddle on the rug,                                         

And you plan tomorrow,

I just shrug.

But we are more alike than different, you know.

We were brother and sister in another life.

We toiled the ground and lived on a farm.

We made friends with lots of breeds.

In Italy, everyone has peculiar needs.

But back to now in 2021.

Our love is strong and tough.

We are old, but we give enough.

You are still lovely.

A mask of the sun,

your light is strong.

I wear dark glasses and hope I’m not wrong.


Capture d’écran, le 2023-06-05 à 18.04.46

He had a thin face

And cowboy eyes

Sat still till he had

To kick in a beat

Then the arms came alive

Two sticks on the skin

And the band followed suit

To move to

The drummer man

English gentleman

Not in elegant wear tonight

Only a t-shirt on his back

Showing finely muscled arms

Swings his sticks to the beat


To party to the hilt

And the crowd going wild

With this rock and roll sound

One Animal in fact

As he sits upright

At the back

Perfectly serene expression

Like he knows

knows it all

Been there

lots of times

Bemused by the appreciation

From the crowd all around


This goes on

This rock and roll sound

Right on the skins

Impaled on his soul

Till his dying day


Charlie said it all


So many sad faces


Charlie is gone


Death is

What it is

Is weak

Compared to the beat

Laid down

By a master of Time

That will go on

The heart beat

The alive beat

We all live for still


Where he is

If anywhere

There is a jazz band there

That soothing sound

And Charlie in the middle of it all

Can’t stop smiling

Can’t stop waving his arms

Hitting the skins

Thinking of his friends

Of his love for the sound


Charlie Watts

Rest in Peace


In rhythm


What do any of us leave when
we leave this world except a
blemish, that is, a smear on the face
of Time that may appear further along
in the sphere of  someone else who recalls
its authenticity in the form of say a word, an
image, a remark, a posture of body that enters
likely by Chance thru a corridor of Memory in
association with other factors  or none
and then passes on again without us really
having had anything to do with it at all? We live on
despite ourselves in pieces and our fame,
justified or not,  prevails.


I wish it didn’t have to be like that.

At least for the purposes of creating art,

A comfortable childhood is unsatisfactory.

But mine was, it seems just that, and

After having just reviewed a stack of

Old photographs I come away with the

Impression that I was a much loved, happy

Child.  Now how to account for my miserable

Adulthood?  I have to blame it on something,

Don’t I?


Black and white is cold,

Correctly cold.

The bare sky a smudge

Forbidding entrance.

A bird passing overhead and


The air as quiet as stone.

In the middle distance

In a wash of absence

A figure appears like a solitary

Hair on a skull.

The camera intrudes on

a man

In a long dark coat standing as

Still as death

Surrounded by impersonal space.

Vacant eyes stare into a glass world.


Where is the garden, the apple tree?

Where is the touch?

This might as well be the moon

Or a planet of silver

Remember the smoke

The grim parade

The separation,



He is as stuck in place as a tree,

No step available in any direction

Outside the realm of history.


They promised.

Oh, well…


Nothing forms on his face.

By force of habit a machine still works

Inside of him and he shifts with its engine.


The other side.


Brief glimpses of a hand, his mother’s,

The dress she wore on his twelfth birthday.

He is blowing the candles in a picture that was taken

Of the event.


It is possible!



looks as inviting as wool although it is made of snow.

Then his view is pasted over with streaks of black shutters, like when the eyes

Blink too fast and the thought disappears.


An ocean opens with a sigh, there is fanfare and happy applause

on the other side of it, a choir of ruddy faces cheer like summer,

breaking down the cold


At last, an opening…


There is a rustle of excitement in the notion as when a gift

Is being undressed

But the body still resists. The machine will not give way.

It is frozen in its atmosphere.


What if the package is empty, she is not even there

There are no swimming souls either

It was all a mistake made by apes?


You are left with bats’ wings instead, and motor complaints,


And graduating degrees of spirit ache.


What if they keep you awake?


Or nothing, much like this and less, and you have no way of knowing:

Eternal discontent.


Not there.

A gust of wind catches him on the cheek.

He thinks he will wait.


Celebrity figures invade the dream lives in the dullness of us, incoming from WIFI zones and boredom channels. The slick images of glamour lay claim to our delicate private spaces, our individual inner worlds, lodging there like squatters, spreading the virus of appearances. The gleam of the celebrity figure is what used to be the bauble in the child’s hand that fascinated and then was relinquished. What the child has discarded, the adult now absorbs through the media, marketed by the celebrity and their environment. There must be a constant bombardment in order for the celebrity to be successful in their quest, which is desirability. It is important that the child’s mind in the adult remain engaged. The celebrity is salesperson as well as product, which ultimately serves to establish the sanctity of the system of the marketplace and the vaunted appraisal of its goods.


When I speak of my heart

I describe a

Factory after hours. Light from

Half-open windows

Illuminates the dust

On the machinery

and faces, like rags,

lay scattered throughout,

ghosts of family, friends, lovers,


Each one is given is their due

and passed over.


In this room, the temperature

Remains tepid, static.

A placid, windless vacuum occupies

The air.


Is this a comfort zone or a cell on

Death row?

Is it the bottom of the night where

We hide from blood, from fire, an

Asylum  from the living



We are beside ourselves or behind,

in a perpetual, pervasive

Shadow land



There are wars to be fought,

Children to be protected,

Skin to be investigated


All outside the

purview of this room.


Yes, outside, far away,

Nearly nonexistent.

I can see it all too clearly.


My heart is a room.

I have no use for certain rooms.     


I try so hard

I try so hard

I try so hard to love you


I try so hard to live with you

I try so hard to know you


I do not know you

I cannot rule you




I am blue not gray

I am just made that way

I will just fade that way




The lamp’s down low

How low will it go


Into the dark

Our natural space

Our silly place


I try so hard

To win the race

To end the race


I try so hard

To find my place


The fat brain can’t get up today

The slow familiar dead end crawl

Nothing appears at the gate

The clock doesn’t move at all

Faces come stop and stare

Through the very vast night

Birds have gone to sleep for good

The wise limp instead of fight

Within this dreamless ancient place

 Music sour grates on everyone

Behind the door something waits

To  make a move and overcome

The children don’t exist at all

They shoulder guns and strangle dolls

They have never known another place

Where monsters don’t make the calls

While phony women shallow men

Pretend to dance a pantomime

They kiss the air and then themselves

They make a dash on a dime

The anesthetic must soon wear off

On all these wild-eyed toothless men

Who carry around a human form

And hand you a poison pen

The future must appear some day

Even in this airless room

When people will scurry out to see

The lost ambiguous forgotten moon


The way November falls on you like a bleak vision,

The way November rolls over you like a bone crushing incident

The way November empties you like a vampiric spirit.

November dances toward the precipice with gloom.

I love all her dead children blowing away in the wind,

such loveliness waving goodbye, opening the door

to the frozen heart of winter.

Blanket me in white.

Let me sleep a thousand years in your vault.


I am the sexy beast,

a sad clown


the constant wall

of repetitive repetition.

I’m a house in Missoula Montana

broken inside

my pink in recline.

My mailbox is clogged,

My friends are nowhere to be found.

What to wear to my tragedy?

The young girl’s cheek is hot,

I can’t even find her jacket in my closet,

I thought the worst, that I would forget it.

Skull folks always fear public perception,

I donate earplugs, the virginal haircut to them.

Horizontal hunters number their disappointments,

Under the lamp, a matchbook coffin.


The pain caves his brain

Like fast anxious fire



The afternoon sun shines .

Nothing particularly untoward

reported . Only

A sense of the already been ,

The old islands of thought

Punctuated by angry siren swells,

stick figures and

Sweating somersaults of gloom…


There is a place and

There is a way that is

Better than possibility, the far-away sky announces

To this wreck it addresses

Whose head’s in the closet

In search for a bonnet

And  a perfect drink.

The light moves fractionally  (his head now out for a peek)

Yes, movement opens to a room in his parched

Brain, the pain subsides fractionally, and he hides for a beat

In  a synapse of reprieve  between his words.

‘Reshape this worldview ,’  the sky announces:

‘All is empty argument,’

Blinks the blue cool eye.


And, yes

Around us everywhere

The golden note

Autumnal glory, as you please,

Messaging the possibility

That ease may arrive

All dressed up as Sunday.

I lay in wait for Godot

With the same stumbling quality

With no ideology

No compass, no certainty,

All the spiderwebs that lead me here

That left me here bereft

The question marks looming

The leaves used up

The casual way they spread.

Perhaps I am dead

Like them

I had a home once

Where I belonged,

Now on my own I beg

Something miraculous must come

Yes, like the glory around us suggests

We are something other than

Appearance dictates

And presses so hard against

The thin film to

Evanescence and escape

Only motion and peace

And no suffering in the end

There is so much time to contend

And I am so tired of calling for



I don’t even know

What anymore.


Sleepy in the afternoon,

sunshine bleeds thru my high windows.

Thank you for the transfusion this morning,

the digital dots that you connected,

as I sat by baffled by your sharp eye.

I felt like a statue (if statues could feel)

next to you and I was somewhat comfortable

with it. What is it about me? Have I become

totally redundant with age? Girls look at me now

with smiles that feel like charity, and I am

grateful for it. I thank everyone of them profusely.

Was it the aged Peter O’Toole who in a film begged

a girl for permission to sniff behind her ear?

I laughed then, but now I don’t! On the way out

modesty becomes us. It’s really all we have.


Between the cracks I live

In a world between worlds

In the space between words

Like a twilight dance

A summer romance

A part-time dude

Someone who knew

The secret clue

That slipped away

Between the cracks

In memory in fact

It is what it is

It was it will be

An encompassing view

Both eyes well lit

On the party prize

That says we never die

Don’t try don’t stress

It’s here in nothingness

Between the cracks

Between the acts

Below the world

In flesh and blood

In skylight swoop

Beyond despair

Here and there

And everywhere